Thursday, June 14, 2012

BYOD... the next hype cycle...

Bring Your Own Device. A neat way to reduce IT costs of an organization by tricking the employees to fend for themselves as far as computing devices are concerned. It is not even new, as some form of BYOD has been there for a few years even before people started calling it BYOD...

The current hype cycle belongs to BYOD... 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The curious case of 1366x768...

HD ready? Whatever!

Don't understand why it is the most common screen option in everything starting from an 11" ultrabook to a 17" desktop replacement...

The current MacBookAir 13" has better specs than most ultrabooks, and the price difference is not very much... And it has a 1440x900 LCD... An MBA for around 75k (INR)...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Firefox 1111...

Still do not understand why the Firefox folks had to change how the product is versioned. Something is seriously wrong. What's the whole point of pushing out multiple major releases within a span of only a few days!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Code search laid to rest....

Buzz had died down, that was a while back... Wave was a still birth...

Now, something useful, Google Code Search, has been shutdown...

Going to miss you!